Jade, Angel Of My Dreams Directed by Aube Perrie Produced by Pulse Films Music Adidas x Predator, The Lab Directed by Ryan Doubiago Produced by CANADA Branded RM, Lost ! Directed by Aube Perrie Produced by Pulse Films Music Apple X Orange, Dream Big Directed by Réalité Produced by Big Productions Branded Fontaines D.C, Starburster Directed by Aube Perrie Produced by Pulse Films Music Harry Styles, Music For A Sushi Restaurant Directed by Aube Perrie Produced by Pulse Films Music MK, Chemical Directed by Aube Perrie Produced by Wanda Productions Music The Hives, Bogus Operandi Directed by Aube Perrie Produced by Pulse Films Music Harry Styles, Satellite Directed by Aube Perrie Produced by Pulse Films Music
Jade, Angel Of My Dreams Adidas x Predator, The Lab RM, Lost ! Apple X Orange, Dream Big Fontaines D.C, Starburster Harry Styles, Music For A Sushi Restaurant MK, Chemical The Hives, Bogus Operandi Harry Styles, Satellite